Blue Valentine

Brand: Darling Clandestine

Scent Description: Inspired, of course, by Tom Waits, this one will make you die a little more each Saint Valentine’s Day. A moody bouquet of hyacinth and poppies and figs, washed down with whiskey and bitters and delicate musks and mint. Very potent and heady, this is hands-down the fragrance I get the most compliments on from bystanders. “OOH DANG WHAT ARE YOU WEARING YOU SMELL SOOOOO GOOD.” I bring this fragrance back . . . well, you know when.

2 thoughts on “Blue Valentine”

  1. from my past IMAM review; smells like….The area in a high end department store just between the designer bridal section and the women’s powder room, where they’re trying to seamlessly blend a pristinely kept sales-floor filled with expensive dresses and a bathroom decorated with faux classical paintings that contains one-ply toilet paper.

  2. Strong florals with something vaguely like whiskey and musk. It’s very very bitter. But at the same time it reminds me of some kind of candy, that I can’t quite put a finger on. It’s moody alright.

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