Making Spirits Bright

Brand: Sixteen92

Scent Description: Christmas Eve dessert of rice pudding topped with plump golden raisins and brown sugar, a mug of buttered rum, sweet cranberries, warm pie crusts fresh from the oven, garlands of paper stars, a roaring fire

Released: Holiday 2019

2 thoughts on “Making Spirits Bright”

  1. In the vial it smells strongly of rice pudding and pie crusts. When it reaches my skin, though, I get the fruity scents of golden raisins and cranberries with the sweetness of brown sugar throughout the day. There’s the hint of smoke (the roaring fires?) but no paper stars as you stop sniffing. It’s a warm-feeling kind of scent.

  2. The initial smell is definitely some combination of raisins/brown sugar/something like a bakery (likely the pie crust) and something that kinda smelled like pee. I’m not sure what happened there. After a few hours, it was mostly the hint of a nearby fire and what had to be the paper stars. It was really interesting.

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